It’s as Simple as Black & White

There are so many reasons to focus on the black and white trend.

I only call it a trend because the fashion magazines do…Black & White, Minimalism, Modernism, whatever name they give it, it’s really not a trend is it? It’s been consistently popular for so long that it’s gone from trend to tradition. It’s just how it is put together that remains trendy.

To introduce the classic black & white, we should start with a classic and classy lady in some classic looks. Audrey Hepburn, we all know her. Even younger women these days know her because of her fantastic style and I dare say most fashionistas even of a younger age have seen “Breakfast at Tiffany’s“, even it was only to check out the style and the famous little black dress.

Love this pic of Ms Hepburn in a lovely, crisp white shirt. I too have a passion for a crisp white shirt and believe every woman should have at least one beautifully tailored white shirt in her capsule wardrobe.

Again, a pic of Ms Hepburn to remind us that we can achieve much with a small wardrobe if we have great black and white accessories! After all, besides the gorgeous face of Audrey, this photo is about a white hat, black gloves and a white scarf. There’s also a lovely brooch and a black dress or shirt but the hat, gloves and scarf are the non-human stars. Sure, we don’t wear hats or gloves much these days but the idea of simple basics mixed together to create an amazing outfit are the same. Working with black and white keeps it simple, especially for those who are a little afraid to do the whole colour blocking thing. I really like the idea of not having to think too much to create a beautiful look. Over-thinking is really not what style is about. It should come naturally…or you should work at it looking like it comes naturally!

When I first started rebuilding my wardrobe a couple of years ago, I spent nearly a year following these rules.

1) Make sure the fit was right for my body shape.

2) Buy what works for me, not what is “in fashion”.

3) Only buy black, white, red or taupe/tan/beige (because this would mean that everything could be mixed and matched).

I have since added other colours into the purchasing but following those simple rules kept me focused and allowed be to build up pieces that worked together, in many ways. Which meant I could get a lot more out of my wardrobe.

So yes, black and white in whatever form the fashion mags call it is cool right now and can be trendy. BUT it is also classic and a great way to make sure your wardrobe is working overtime for you.

It really is as simple as black and white.

About astimegoesbuy

Just a middle-aged woman with a love of fashion trying to have a purchasing fast. Spending 90 days dressing out of what is already in the wardrobe.If I can't shop for clothes, I may as well write about clothes! View all posts by astimegoesbuy

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