I Think I Cannes – Award Season – Reader Appreciation Award and a Little Ray of Shunshine

Yes, the Cannes Film Festival is over and done. And yes, you have seen every fashion blog and her sister do a post about the fashions.  Yes, the title of this blog post is “I think I Cannes – Award Season”. No, I am not going to rehash all the best and worst dressed stuff.

Although, for the record…this Dior dress worn by Diane Kruger was my favourite and if I were invited to a ball, it would be the dress I would be going for. In fact, if the Fashion Mister and I were not married but planning our wedding, this would be my wedding dress.

Do you think my step-daughter would get upset if I wore this dress to her wedding?

Hang on…I thought I wasn’t going to go into all that Cannes Award Season silliness? Did I just get distracted by my passion for fashion? I hate it when that happens. (Not really but if I don’t say that I’ll have to go to rehab – no, no, no).

So, why are we here? Focus!

Thanks to the lovely, lively and loquacious Jensine at jensinewall, I have been awarded the Reader Appreciation Award!

I think she likes me, she really, really likes me! (wait, that was a different awards ceremony). In fact, she even called me “stunning”. I wonder if she meant like a “stunned mullet” over the fact that there have been so many lovely and supportive followers?

If you haven’t stopped in to check out Jensinewall, please do. She is one clever and entertaining lass.

Luckily, she is a bit like me in that she isn’t very good at listening to authority or following the prescribed rules and has chosen to only follow certain ones. In honour of her cleverness and creativity, I will do the same. After all, as the saying goes, “Rules are made to be broken”.

The 3 Rules (or the 3 that remain so far unbroken);

1. Acknowledge the person who has given you the award and provide a link so you may share their greatness with the blogosphere. (I may have embellished that rule a bit – in fact it is so embellished it looks like it has been bedazzled).

2. Post your award (big yellow flower added to blog post = check).

3. Link to your nominees so that the blogosphere is sparkling with the bright shinniness of all the stars (this bit is true).

Travel with Jenn – She’s already given me some great tips on where to stay in Spain and I want to have her life of travel.

Modestly Chic – She’ll help you keep your heels, head and standards high!

A Little Old Fashioned – She’s cute, she’s clever and she does great outfit posts.

The Image Mistress – Because she is the next best thing to having my own stylist.

OldVogue – For all things pre-loved, handed down and unearthed!

Truth and Cake – For all of us who want to have our cake and eat it too!

Magnolia Grace – Who doesn’t love a girl with a cocktail in her hand and confetti in her hair?!

Chic Little Poor Girl – Can I just say “AMAZING!” This girl has the coolest, most fun sense of style. A true inspiration!

Please take the time to check out these blogs. I thank the blog-gods when I get an email update from each of them.

If you read all the way to here hoping for more about Cannes Fashions, I have provided a couple of links below to satisfy your craving for the high-life and haute couture.

p.s. just before posting this I recieved a message from my friend Valentina at Valentina Designs, she has awarded me a Sunshine Award! She knows I am not very good with the rules, so I don’t think she is expecting much and I won’t disappoint her. I have acknowledged her and provided a link. Posted the award here, see the above list and I already tell you all way too much about myself so don’t think I need to answer any random questions.

Cheers, and thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement!


About astimegoesbuy

Just a middle-aged woman with a love of fashion trying to have a purchasing fast. Spending 90 days dressing out of what is already in the wardrobe.If I can't shop for clothes, I may as well write about clothes! View all posts by astimegoesbuy

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