Wear Something Gaudi Day



No, that isn’t a misspelled word! Yes, I know it is actually “wear something gaudy day”. However, as we have just spent three days in Barcelona, it only makes sense to rename today, “Wear Something Gaudi Day” in honour of the great Spanish architect who is so well-known for his amazing works throughout Barcelona and the Catalan area.

Gaudi dedicated his life to his work and even today we can find his influence in modern-day architecture, but today I want to look at his influence through the eyes of fashion. So I have put together a few little collages for us all to enjoy!

Gaudi Mosaic Inspiration

Gaudi Mosaic Inspiration

Colour and Curves: I love the combination of colour and curves. It’s very feminine in its style weather on a building or on a body!

Gaudi Inspired Fashion

Gaudi Inspired Fashion

Gaudi Inspired: I like both these images from Gaudi’s creations and thought the dress and the hat seemed amazingly inspired by the architecture. the dress with more of the mosaics and curves but this time with only part mosaic and the balance being unadorned is a good match for the picture to its right. When I saw this picture of the gold mesh hat it seemed perfectly inspired by the Gaudi ceiling and light fixture! The gold and swirl of the hat, it had to be inspired by Gaudi, don’t you think?

Gaudi Gates

Gaudi Gates

Gaudi Gates: Well more impressive than Bill…! I can’t decide if I am more impressed by the beautiful Gaudi gates, the shoes or the amazing bracelet! I like that the gates have a more organic look about them with the soft roundness of the almost bubble shapes rather than the standard hard lines of most gates. This look seems perfectly translated to the black wedges and their curly-swurvy straps.

Gaudi Cathedral Inspiration

Gaudi Cathedral Inspiration

Cathedral Inspiration: I’m sure most of you know that designer Alexander McQueen was inspired by Gaudi and you can see it clearly in some of his design. I especially like that kind of melting Gothic inspired look seen on the cathedral and then translated to the dresses. On the cathedral it seems a bit odd and almost creepy but on the dresses I find it beautiful.

I’ll be looking for something Gaudi inspired to add to my wardrobe while I’m here in Spain…perhaps a mosaic inspired scarf or metallic organic “gate” inspired piece of jewelry. Whatever I find it will remind me of Spain, Barcelona and Gaudi whenever I wear it.

How would you wear something Gaudi? Or Gaudy?



About astimegoesbuy

Just a middle-aged woman with a love of fashion trying to have a purchasing fast. Spending 90 days dressing out of what is already in the wardrobe.If I can't shop for clothes, I may as well write about clothes! View all posts by astimegoesbuy

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