Tag Archives: Spanish Style – Focus on Zara

Spanish Style – Focus on Zara

Just two days until we leave for Spain so I thought today we could have a little overview on Spanish style with a focus on Zara.

Zara, the Spanish retail chain has taken the world by storm over the past 5-10 years but was actually founded in 1975. For a fashion brand that is closing in on 40 it is holding its age very well! thanks to the chains ability to take fresh looks from the runway to your wardrobe in about two weeks they have been dubbed, “the most innovative and devastating retailer in the world,” by Louis Vuitton‘s fashion director Daniel Piette.

With the economic struggle happening in Spain right now, Zara may be one of the reasons the Spanish economy has held together so far. I know the Fashion Mister is sure I will fix the Spanish economy with all the shopping I plan to do while there.

Zara - Spanish Style

Zara – Spanish Style

If you are a reader from Spain and are trying to catch-up with me while I am visiting – please just have a look around your local Zara. I am sure I’ll be there!

We have one Zara in Melbourne. They always have great stuff at a fantastic price. However, if you go there in the middle of the work day, you will find it packed with women shopping on their lunch hours and the lines to the dressing rooms are quite long. Also if you are a size 16 or larger, you won’t find much that fits. I’ll be curious to see if that is different in another country or standard for all the Zara stores. Any experience regarding sizing at Zara?


Zara - Spring 2012

Zara – Spring 2012


Spring 2012 - Zara

Spring 2012 – Zara

Prior to this trip to Spain I only have one item from Zara, a tweed blazer bought when I was in Melbourne for MSFW in September. I’m thinking I’ll probably return with a few more Zara items to add to the wardrobe.


Spanish Style - Mango 2012

Spanish Style – Mango 2012

Another popular and well-known Spanish brand is Mango. It’s been said that if a Catalan girl is not wearing something from Zara, she is wearing something from Mango. It’s also a young, fresh line with a great following around the world.

Spanish Style - Balenciaga Spring 2012

Spanish Style – Balenciaga Spring 2012

All good fashionistas know Balenciaga, perhaps the most world-famous Spanish couture house. Unfortunately, it’s not very likely I will be purchasing anything from Balenciaga while away. Just a little outside my holiday budget!

Spanish Style - Victorio and Lucchino

Spanish Style – Victorio and Lucchino


I mentioned in my post about planning for the trip to Spain the Fashion Mister and I are staying in a suite at a hotel in Seville that was designed by the duo Victorio and Lucchino. They are very famous in Spain, especially for their wedding dresses. As I am not in need of a wedding dress, I do plan to keep my eyes open for one of their fantastic Spring 2012 ready-to-wear pieces.

Victorio and Lucchino - Spring 2012 - Spanish Style

Victorio and Lucchino – Spring 2012 – Spanish Style

These beautiful bright pieces are perfect for Australia in the Spring and Summer and I love the whimsical nature of some of the prints. I’d only need one piece to be a statement in any number of looks I could put together with items I already own.

One of my readers is doing postgraduate studies at RMIT in Melbourne and is looking at the Zara business model. If you have a chance please click on this link and complete the very short survey – http://fluidsurveys.com/surveys/hery-setianingsih/zara-s-products-customisation/ .

That’s it for the look at Spanish style and the focus on Zara…until I get there that is! Tomorrow I’ll finish packing and show you what items made the suitcase and why.




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