Tag Archives: Everything’s Coming Up Roses

Everything’s Coming Up Roses

If only everything WERE coming up roses! Unfortunately, it’s just too cold for that. It may not be officially winter here in the Southern Hemisphere, but it sure feels like it is!

Which is why, I am bundled up and trying to stay warm in today’s look. The Fashion Mister and I didn’t even venture far from home. I was trying to think of somewhere we could get a few pics and it seemed the white wall of Sunny Crust Bakery was as good as any on this chilly day. And as it’s only a kilometer from our house we were able to get back inside next to the fire pretty quickly.

The Look: Ballarat has a bad rap in Australia for being cold. But it is deserved to some degree. It can be very cold in the winter, however we rarely get snow and I have never seen it stick for more than an hour so it certainly could be worse. However, because the wind can from the cold south, it is important to wear layers. In fact, moving to Ballarat is part of the reason I have two drawers full of scarves!

This is one of my classic weekend looks. Jeans (from Just Jeans purchased at the op-shop for $6), white long-sleeved thermal shirt (purchased a few years ago from Wal-Mart, while in the US, cost $3 on sale). A BIG, and most importantly, WARM tribal rug inspired cardigan, (purchased last year from Sussan).

The Accessories: I’m wearing my black ankle boots with the silver studs at the back. One of about three black winter scarves I own. A really cool big silver bracelet that I purchased from a little gift shop in Beaufort for like $15. My white watch and big white shell earrings. Besides using a scarf to keep my neck warm in the winter it is a great way to finish an outfit if you don’t have the right necklace. Which is why I also own so many light scarves that I can wear in the warmer months.

Even though everything’s NOT coming up roses. I still had a nice relaxing day.

What are some of your go to items for the weekend?

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